Oakhurst Taxi - New Product Features

Oakhurst Taxi - New Product Features

 Oakhurst Insurance

Oakhurst Taxi - New Product Features   


Taxi Cash Settlement:

Oakhurst Insurance Company has just announced a fresh new approach with their taxi insurance product.  Valid claims on comprehensive taxi policies may now be paid in cash!

This great new benefit will help taxi owners when their taxi is involved in an accident.  For taxi owners, it is essential to get the vehicle back on the road and earning income again.  The Taxi cash settlement policy will help clients to minimise their taxis’ down time.  By paying out a cash settlement, they can arrange their own repairs – which will expedite the repair process.


The Cover:

The client can receive cover up to R1,000,000-00 and may choose between the following options:
  •  Comprehensive Taxi insurance;
  • Third party, Fire and Theft;
  • Third party only.

Oakhurst's Taxi Cash Settlement : A great new benefit.

The Cover includes the following:

  • Windscreen;
  • Towing and storage;
  • Sound system;
  • Personal accident liability cover;
  • Third party liability up to R2 500 000;
  • Passenger liability of R100 000 per passenger with up to R5,000,000-00 per claim and R5,000,000-00 per year (it can increase to R15 000 000 for additional premium).

Additional Cover:

For an additional premium, the client can also receive cover for the following: 
  • Credit shortfall;
  • Vehicle rental;
  • Back to invoice/deposit protector.

Note: These great new benefits to the taxi insurance product, mean the clients can really afford the right protection for themselves, their taxis, their drivers, as well as their passengers!


Taxi Cash Settlement Policy - Continues:

Oakhurst is now also offering a new Roadwise Taxi Warranty as a policy extension to existing Taxi insurance products.

For just R300-00 per month, the Roadwise Taxi Warranty will protect and cover taxi clients in the event of a mechanical breakdown. This means Oakhurst Insurance will pay for the repair or replacement of parts, that are listed in the schedule – if the insured vehicle breaks down.

They offer a choice of three cover options, depending on the age of the taxi and its mileage. Plus, they include a towing contribution of up to R1,170-00, as well as a storage contribution of up to R1,170-00! Great peace of mind if the taxi breaks down, as they will not have to worry about finding the money for repairs.

This product is also available as a standalone policy.

The Oakhurst Taxi product empowers taxi owners!

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