Taxi Insurance in South Africa

Taxi Owners or Operators in South Africa know all about the dangers of driving their taxis on our busy roads. Taxi Insurance gives peace of mind and also provides cover and extensions for Mini- and Midibus taxis, Uber, Metered Taxi (or Cabs) and Tuk-tuks – it is certainly a specialist area, where professional advice is needed


Various Taxi Insurance options are available, eg Loss of Income cover

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 Broker Directory News   See Taxi and Uber Related News:
•  Oakhurst Taxi Cash Settlements & Product Features (January 03, 2017)
•  Ctrack partners with VUM, Uber's Preferred Insurance Provider (May 15, 2017)

Taxis are big business in South Africa. If you are a Taxi or Uber Owner/Operator and anything happens to your taxi, do you have adequate insurance cover to make sure your business doesn’t suffer? Taxi Insurance products empower taxi owners with available insurance packages at competitive premiums.

Taxi or Uber Owners/Operators should research the various cover options that best suit their specific needs.

Taxis transport around 14 million people per day, and are by far the most popular method of transport in most urban areas. Given how many taxis are on roads, inevitably, there are accidents. Clearly, Taxi Insurance is going to be a big consideration – if you want to own or drive a taxi! Taxi insurance offers important cover for Mini- or Midibus taxis, Uber taxi, metered taxis (or cabs) and tuk-tuk’s.

If you offer passengers a ride (or transport) in exchange for payment (or a fee), then you are operating your vehicle as a taxi, uber or cab. Generally, taxis average high daily mileage and long working hours in traffic. This fact, combined with the liabilities attached to it, makes Taxi Insurance considerably more expensive than normal vehicle insurance.

Various Taxi Insurance cover options and extensions are available. Taxi owners should research the various options.

These options may be confusing....

In fact, the smartest thing you can do is -- Get a specialist broker to do it for you!

Taxi or Uber Insurance products may cover the following:

  • Comprehensive or third party options;
  • Personal injury, cover for taxis' passengers;
  • Public liability or taxi driver negligence;
  • Taxi owners/operators should consider 'Loss in income cover' (various options);
  • Some Taxi Insurance providers offer cash backs or rewards, for good taxi driver behaviour and low claims;
  • Some providers have discounts for adding more Taxis/vehicles to your policy (handy if you’re building a fleet of taxis!);
  • Excess reducer options available;
  • Some Taxi Insurance products, also has Trailer cover;
  • Some specific Taxi Insurance plans also cover loss of, or damage done to luggage.
  • Credit protection.

Some Taxi Insurance products, also have trailer cover

Why Taxi or Uber Insurance?

  • Protect your taxi – especially if it is still under finance arrangements;
  • Taxi Owners/Operators should protect their income – in the event if an accident taking a long time to effect repairs;
  • Cover yourself and your taxis' passengers against liability & personal injury claims.

Insurance cover for tuk-tuks

Insurance cover for Uber
Broker DirectorySmart insurance advice brought to you by professional insurance brokers!

Important considerations when buying Taxi o Uber Insurance:

  • Get a good broker, offering professional advice and service;
  • Get as many taxi insurance quotations from reputable insurers as possible;
  • If the taxi is still under finance, consider taking a credit shortfall type of product and income protector where possible;
  • Fitting a tracking unit to your taxi, may also help protecting your asset from theft or high-jacking. Certain taxi insurance products also offer a pay per kilometre type basis.

Taxi drivers: Consider Public Liability cover