Aviation Insurance in South Africa

Aircraft owners or operators know that Aviation Insurance is a highly specialised field

 Aviation Aircraft Insurance
Aviation Insurance also has Pilot and Crew
Personal Accident cover
Need Aviation Insurance Assistance

Airlines and the general aviation sector have specialist insurance needs and requirements.

Aviation is a highly specialised area of insurance and only a select few of the larger insurers in RSA offer aviation insurance solutions. It is therefore common practice for the specialist brokers to also extend their products to insurers abroad.

Aviation Insurance mainly concentrates on general aviation risks. One of the main reasons is the exposure and the cost of reinsurance protection, as aircraft accidents have the tendency to result in large property damage and loss of human life claims.

Accurate information provided to the underwriter is critical to ensure successful and swift claims settlement. However, non-disclosure of any material information will lead to underwriters repudiating a claim.

Being a specialist niche area, all available product options should be considered. These options may be confusing...

In fact, the smartest thing you can do is -- Get a specialist broker to do it for you!

Factors that influence Aviation Rates:

There are a number of factors that may influence rates and premiums which include:
  • The availability of capital commonly referred to as capacity;
  • The price of reinsurance protection;
  • Competition within the insurance market;
  • Specific claims history or as a whole;
  • Size of risk exposure;
  • Age and type of aircraft operated;
  • The country or region where the aircraft is being operated;
  • Other factors may include: Utilisation, crew training and maintenance.

Also, note the following guidelines, tips and considerations applicable to Aviation Insurance:

  • Some of the cover options for aircraft are: Hull war, Hull all risks, Third party liability and/or Passenger and legal liability, Deductible buy down, Engine breakdown, Pilot Excess Insurance;
  • Cover for the person may include: Pilots loss of license, pilots and crew personal accident cover;
  • Optional cover can be obtained for excess insurance (pilots, student/private/professional pilots and owners), as well as for aircraft owner's and operator's liability;
  • Cover for airports may include: Airside legal liability, ground handlers liability, airports owners and operators legal liability, premises and hangers and product liability.
 Aviation/Aircraft Insurance & Engine Parts
Aviation Insurance has cover for Engine
Breakdown, Third party liability etc.
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